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Staff Profile: Natalie Connell

Natalie Connell

Course Team Leader - Travel and Tourism - Uxbridge College

I joined Uxbridge College as a Lecturer in Travel and Tourism in November 2020. I took redundancy from my role in the Travel industry due to the Covid 19 pandemic and was looking for the next stage of my career, an opportunity for me to share my industry knowledge whilst developing my own skills as a qualified teacher and I found that opportunity here at Uxbridge College! Joining the team during 2020 was challenging, particularly as we entered a stage of teaching remotely online, but I had excellent support from my team who are all like minded individuals who share a lot of similar industry experience to me. This was particularly useful as my colleagues could understand my transition from industry into teaching and gave useful advice and tips along the way.

By July 2022, I was promoted to the role of Course Team Leader, a further opportunity for me to demonstrate and enhance my managerial skills whilst co-ordinating the smooth running of the Travel and Tourism qualifications. I’m proud to work here at the College and find my role very rewarding as we help learners achieve their dream jobs.

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Staff Profile
Natalie Connell

I joined Uxbridge College as a Lecturer in Travel and Tourism in November 2020. I took redundancy...

Natalie Connell

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