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Staff Profile: Rebecca De Souza

Rebecca De Souza

Lecturer/Tutor - Learning Support - Uxbridge College

I have 9 years' experience of teaching English and Drama across primary, secondary, further education and young adult services. These experiences fuelled my desire to further my career in teaching individuals with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

I initially joined Uxbridge College in 2019 as a cross college English Lecturer and eventually transitioned to the Learning Support department as a Lecturer. I was amazed at the vast number of high needs students we diligently support across all curriculum areas both with and without an Education Health & Care Plan (EHCP).

Teaching and advocating for students with SEND at HRUC is a privilege. I have had the opportunity to teach students who have transitioned from our Foundation School to mainstream, higher education, supported internships or apprenticeships. Whatever students' appropriate progression pathway is, achieving this would not be possible without the support and guidance of the Learning Support team.

This niche role has given me the opportunity to develop my SEND knowledge especially in sensory impairments. Liaising with local authorities has enabled me to ensure my students have equity and access in all aspects of their learning and that they learn to transfer skills to real life situations and foster independence.

Professional development is valued and encouraged in my department and across HRUC. It is an inclusive, supportive and rewarding place to teach!

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